
Today I went about creating a blog for the first time. I’ve never had any sort of blog in the past. I will be creating it from scratch, and hopefully will find some cool tricks along the way.

One of the purposes of this is to learn Jekyll as it’s one of the options for Github Pages. This page, will serve as a place that I can share interesting technical tips or tricks that I discover while working on various projects.

In addition to that, I will post tricks I find over the course of developing this site which I hope will help future users of Jekyll get started.

At this point, I have a basic working Jekyll blog. There is no pagination, no commenting, but the basics are there. Some of the things that I will be working towards implementing are:

  • Categories for posts
  • Commenting (probably through disqus, althouth this is lower priority)

The code for this blog is available at kwbock/kwbock.github.com